Address: 301 nw 103 ave, Pembroke Pines, FL 33026
Now you can order directly from this page and we will deliver straight to your door. if you don't see what you like here please feel free to contact us and we will try accommodate your requests.
Hamburguesas, Perros Calientes, y Pechuga de Pollo
Perros Calientes, Hamburguesas, y Churrasco 5 oz
Hamburguesas, Perros Calientes, Pechuga de Pollo y Churrasco 5oz
Pechuga de Pollo, y Churrasco 5 oz
Costillas de Cerdo, Pechuga de Pollo, y Churrasco 5 oz
Costillas de Cerdo, Hamburguesas, y Perros Calientes
Costillas de Cerdo, y Churrasco 5 oz
Hamburgers and Hot Dogs Potato Salad Water and Soda
Hamburgers and Hot Dogs Chicken Breast Corn on the Cob Water and Soda
Meat Pork (or) Chicken BBQ Skewer Corn on the Cob Potato Salad Chips Water and Soda
BBQ Pork Rib and BBQ Chicken Cuban Tamales Potato Salad Water and Soda
Churrascos 8 oz. Moro Rice Mixed Rice w/Beans Water and Soda
Picanha Sausage Corns Roasted Potatoes Cole Slaw